3rd Greek Raw Materials Community Dialogue

3rd Greek Raw Materials Community Dialogue


The 3rd Greek Raw Materials Community Dialogue will be held on 4-5 December 2018 in Athens, Greece. The event will be organised by the EIT RawMaterials RIS Hub Greece.

EIT RawMaterials and NTUA started this series of events in 2016 with great success gathering more than 150 stakeholders from Greece and EU in a vivid and open dialogue. The scope of these events is to foster, facilitate and enhance the Greek Raw Materials Community with strategic actions through the support of the EIT RawMaterials (KIC) community and NTUA.

These events aim to bring together the industry (large and SME), the governance (national and regional), academia and research institutes of Greece along with executive European organizations of the Raw Materials sector as members of the EIT RawMaterials (KIC) to discuss over the current state in the Greek and EU Raw Materials sector, address the Knowledge Triangle (academia, research, industry) in political level, present tools and initiatives in EU and Greece that act as facilitators for the sector and examine the innovation needs of the Knowledge Triangle.

This year the event will be organized by the EIT RawMaterials RIS Hub Greece, established in 2018 and operated by NTUA, which aims to act as an “interaction point” between EIT RawMaterials and the Greek Raw Materials Community.

More information and registration are available here.

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