DIM ESEE Workshop Innovation in Ore Processing – Submit your Poster!
29/07/2024The opportunity to share your innovative projects awaits you!
For the first time and during the last edition of DIM-ESEE lifelong learning and innovation workshops in Dubrovnik, during the 2024 Workshop, a poster session for all interested participants will be organized.
This year`s topic deals with Innovations in Ore Processing ⚒ 🔨 and more information about daily subtopics and learning outcomes can be found in our programme booklet.
All interested participants can register here.
💡Key Topics:
- Critical and Strategic Raw Materials in the ESEE region
- Innovation in ore processing for marketable concentrates
- Metallurgical processing for basic metals and CRM recovery
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
- Mine waste management
- Environmental and social management system (ESMS)
- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
👉 How can you submit your poster?
- Register for the DIM ESEE Workshop. Registration fees are currently available at a discount until 1st of September.
Register here - For the poster session, please also send an e-mail to info@dim-esee.eu with the poster title, authors, and short abstract.
🔔 Stay tuned for more updates!