EnAct-SDGs Closing Event

EnAct-SDGs Closing Event December 15th 2021


EnAct-SDGs Closing Event

“Roadmap for the modernization and incorporation of SDGs in the ESEE Raw Materials University Education”

Wednesday 15 December 2021, 10:00 – 13:00 CET

We are pleased to invite you to the Closing Event of the EnAct-SDGs project, that will be held online on December 15th, 2021. The event aims to present the results of the EnAct-SDGs project, a two year EIT Regional Innovation Scheme-RIS Matchmaking and Networking project funded by EIT RawMaterials, to stakeholders of the Raw Materials sector, focusing on the RIS region.

During this event, the Roadmap for the modernization of the educational programs of the Beneficiary Universities participating in the project (AGH-Poland, NTUA-Greece and TUKE-Slovakia) will be presented and discussed with the RM stakeholders. This Roadmap could be then transferred as a best practice to other Universities of the ESEE and RIS Regions.

The draft agenda of the event is available here.

Your presence in the Closing Event will be an honor and will greatly contribute to the achievement of the EnAct-SDGs project’s objectives that includes the formation and enhancement of a dynamic self-sustained network between the Industry, Academia, Researchers and Professionals of the RM sector, that will continue to act following the project’s completion.

We are looking forward to welcoming you on-line!

Please register by December 14th 2021 to receive connectivity information. The event will be held in English.

You can find out more about the EnAct-SDGs project on the official website.

You are also invited to subscribe to the EnAct-SDGs network, to receive news and updates on the project and invitations to participate in our activities and follow EnAct-SDGs on LinkedIn.


Supported by EITRM