30/03/2023RIS-Internship project successfully implemented the 3rd Greek Matchmaking Event for 2023, hosted by the National Technical University of Athens.
The event was attended by 14 representatives from 12 hosting organizations, and students from 8 schools/departments of 5 Greek and 1 Hungarian university, i.e. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; Athens University of Economics and Business; National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; National Technical University of Athens (from 3 schools; School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering; School of Mechanical Engineering); Technical University of Crete; University of Szeged.
The RIS Internship Coordinator, Professor Sibila Borojević Šoštarić and the NTUA team informed the students about the RIS Internship program. Then the Host Organizations’ representatives briefly presented their companies and their commitment to Internship programs. Success stories from Greek Interns were also presented.
During the Annual Greek Matchmaking Event students from a number of Greek and other universities, had the opportunity to learn about the project, interact with organizers and representatives from the participating companies, and were motivated to apply at a number of Host organizations for their internship and build their future career in the Raw Materials sector.
Ongoing efforts of the Project team to match students with organizations for internships are ongoing so as to ensure the success and sustainability of the RIS-Internship project.
Photos from the event are available in the gallery below.