RIS-INTERNSHIP – Call for application 2023


RIS-INTERNSHIP: Sustainable and structured RIS-Internship Programme for East European (RIS) and EIT-RM-labelled MSc students. RIS-Internship call for applications 2023 is now open.

EIT RawMaterials RIS Hub Greece is pleased to announce the call for students  applications 2023 of the RIS-Internship Project. The RIS Internship is an EIT RM KAVA project, running from the 1st of January 2022 until the end of 2024.

The project’s aim is to establish a Sustainable and Organized RIS Internship Programme for East European (RIS) and EIT-RM- labeled MSc Students, hence enhancing students’ entrepreneurial and business skills, expanding University-Business Cooperation activities in the RIS region, boosting the employment of RM graduates within the hosting organizations, and leveraging the brain drain in the region.

The School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens participates as a Partner in the project which is coordinated by the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering of the University of Zagreb.

Call for applications 2023 is now open. Students have the chance to select from a pool of organisations in order to conduct their internship and build their future career. Through the platform, students may apply for up to three organizations, after confirming they meet the requirements listed on the project page. In Project’s territorial coverage are included: the initial pilot region – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia – and the newest East European RIS countries – Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia. Other RIS countries being also eligible are Spain, Portugal, Italy (southern part), Ukraine, Turkey, and Cyprus!

For more information contact us!